
GMercyU的传统提醒我们慈悲的身份, 庆祝我们的文化, 为狮鹫创造永恒的回忆. 



学术评议会 is a formal academic ceremony that welcomes first year and new transfer students to the University. 它将管理人员聚集在一起, 教师, and students to commemorate the start of the academic year.



在钟楼迎新期间举行, this tradition celebrates students' journeys that brought them to GMercyU. 第一个, they learn of the Sisters of Mercy arrival from Ireland in Philadelphia on a hot August day in 1861. 确切地说,是1861年8月22日.) There were only 10 Sisters, led by Mother Patricia Waldron, that ranged in 年龄 from 16-27. 他们很快乐,充满希望,只有一个对怜悯的梦想.

Just as new students might be experiencing apprehension starting their college journeys, the Sisters may have felt similarly in a new city and country all those years ago. However, they had faith knowing they were exactly where they were supposed to be.
当你开始你的GMercyU学生生涯时, 有信心, 就像早期的修女们一样, that you are indeed right where you are supposed to be — at GMercyU, 走你的路. 学生 tie ribbons to show their commitment to their mission of being Mercy students.



第一个-year students participate in a hands-on service project reflecting the core values of GMercyU. Although they receive an introduction to Catherine McAuley and the University's Mercy herit年龄 during Orientation, engaging in service allows new students to see Mercy in action and provides a unique preview to the Distinctive Mercy Experience ahead. 一起服务增加了活动的乐趣和意义.



9月. 24, 1827, in Dublin, Ireland, Catherine McAuley founded a home to shelter and educate young girls. This house would be the foundation for the Sisters of Mercy — and 17 U.S. 学院和大学,包括我们的. 每个9月, 我们在慈悲周庆祝这一传统, which features a variety of educational and service-related programming that brings our campus community together, from inspirational films and engaging lectures to shared meals and lively discussions. 最后, the GMercyU community commemorates the founding of the House of Mercy by celebrating a special “Mercy Mass” on September 24.



秋季节日 is 学生 Government Association (SGA)’s biggest event of the year. 这个大, outdoor festival takes place in September to greet the autumn season and welcomes the families of past and present Griffins. It's an opportunity for students to mingle and participate in fun activities with students, 校友, 教师, 朋友, 和邻居.



格里芬疯狂是学生们的赛前动员大会, 教师, 工作人员, and all of the GMercyU community to kick-off the winter sports season. Through collaboration with departments and offices across campus, 格里芬的疯狂是一个值得纪念的夜晚. This experience is an opportunity for all for the campus community to take pride in being a Griffin. For the holiday season, SGA partners with Catherine’s Cupboard for our annual canned food drive.



GMercyU's 社区感恩节晚餐 is a tradition that allows 教师, 员工和学生有机会一起加入, 停下来感谢和赞美, 和新朋友和家人一起享受一顿大餐. This is a free meal for the campus community sponsored by Griffin Dining.



决赛的早餐 is held every December to bring together students, 教师, 和工作人员 for a late-night breakfast in Waldron Care before the fall semester comes to a close. The breakfast is held late at night and includes all types of breakfast foods. Hundreds of students are served and welcomed by their favorite 教师 和工作人员 members at the University. In addition, prizes are given out, ranging from study snack packs to fitness watches to iPads.



The 圣诞树灯饰 Ceremony kicks off the holiday season in front of 假设大厅. The tree lighting honors our University’s roots while representing other faiths. 学生, 校友, 教师, 工作人员, and members of the greater GMercyU Community are invited to partake in the festivities. Enjoy the sounds of the season with performances from the members of the Voices of Gwynedd who lead the crowd in a sing-a-long, 舞蹈队, 和啦啦队. 在点亮圣诞树之前, guests can enjoy holiday sweets and hot cocoa as well as various activities outside, 包括制作装饰品, 一个photobooth, 和s ' mores.



Take Back The Night is an international event with the mission of ending sexual, 的关系, 以及各种形式的家庭暴力. 每年, the GMercyU community comes together as a part of this mission, 创造一个让声音被听到的平台, 痛苦被承认, 还有被承认的勇气. Through this event we are living out the traditions of Mercy and embracing our core values of Integrity in Word and Deed, 尊重每个人的尊严, 服务社会, 多元世界中的社会正义.*

*With a special focus on the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy: Earth, 移民, 反种族主义, 非暴力, 女性



学生答谢日, 最近扩大到一整个星期, is hosted by the 学生 Government Association each spring and shows appreciation to the student body for all of the hard work they do throughout the year. 在一周内, 学生们可以享受免费咖啡和餐车, 活动及游戏, 还有有趣的赠品.


# GMercyUGrad照片

每年, GMercyU Graduates take photos in their caps and gowns at some of the most iconic spots on campus such as the Welcome Wall, 钟楼, 假设大厅, 和Lady Garden. 一定要在社交媒体上给我们加标签,我们可能会转发你的帖子!



荣誉召开 is a formal academic event that recognizes students that have earned program honors, 特别的奖励, 并入选学术荣誉协会.



毕业典礼 is a formal ceremony that celebrates the conferral of academic degrees to graduating students. This traditional ceremony dates back to the 12th century in Europe and the 17th century in the United States.